Steps to Creating a Search Engine Friendly Article

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Writing a Search Engine Friendly (SEF) content article

Pick 2-3 main keywords and 4-7 supporting keywords

Keyword help sites:

Google’s Keyword Planner:

Keyword Tool

Main Keywords:

  • Are in the Meta Title
  • Are in the Meta Description
  • Are in the Page (H1) Title
  • Are in the first sentence of the first paragraph
  • Repeated twice in the article afterwords
  • can be linkable to the main article or similar articles and websites

Supporting Keywords are:

  • not the main keyword but help explain the main keyword
  • are synonyms to the main keywords
  • can be linkable to other pages in the website or other external websites related to the subject
  • can be linkable to advertising

Write your meta information first:

  • Meta Title, no more than 55 characters
  • Meta Description, no more than 155 characters
  • Page Title, no more than 55 characters 
    **Note the page title should not say welcome or home or generic phrases

Free program to count your words:

Articles should be 400-600 or 1100 to 1300 words -1300 is optimal for Google

  • All of your content should be 100% original and not copied from other sources.  
  • Possibly include a bulleted or un-bulleted list
  • Include a picture related to the topic
    **Note, rename the filename of your image to reflect the keyword.
    **Note, link your image to your website.
  • Can include a video of the topic 
    **Note, the video will be viewed before the article is read most of the time.