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Weathering the Storm: Tropical Storm Checklist and Protocol

< 1 Min Read

Tropical storms can be menacing forces of nature, capable of wreaking havoc on businesses and personal property alike. As a business owner, it’s crucial to prepare for the worst-case scenario to protect not only your employees and physical assets but also your invaluable digital data and devices. 

At ADVYON, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business during a tropical storm. We have put together a comprehensive protocol and checklist to help you prepare, ensuring your computers and devices stay safe and functional, even in the face of Mother Nature’s fury.

Download our Tropical Storm Checklist, and share it with your business to ensure the safety of your business and employees.

Clear Plastic:

First Aid Kit:

Tactical Flashlights:

Clean Release Tape:

Hand Sanitizer for Cleanup:

Solar Power Portable Charger:

Weatherproof Storage Totes:

Gloves for Cleanup:

AAA Batteries:

AA Batteries:

Battery Powered Radio:

Clorox Wipes for Cleanup:

Trash Bags for Cleanup:

Three Ring Binder:

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