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Better Work Order Mobile App

2 Min Read

BetterWorkOrder iOS App, Fast Mobile Work OrdersComing soon to the App Store, the BetterWorkOrder iOS Application!  The BetterWorkOrder app was born from a need to have a quick and easy work order app for our technicians. We looked everywhere for a simple and fast way to make a work order without having to use dreaded paper. After a long search, we decided to build the best Work Order app on the planet! We have spent years developing our vision for just the right balance of functionality, speed, and ease of use.


  • Some of the BetterWorkOrder Features
  • Easily create a work order for your clients
  • Integrates with your iPhone or iPad contacts for quick autofill
  • Autofill Technician data makes it fast to fill in your own personal data
  • Auto date, and times for quick time management
  • Quickly add your service report
  • A customizable parts list with pricing.
  • Take pictures and upload them to your work order and send them to your clients
  • Have your client review the work order and sign it. It even date stamps the signature.

The app is designed to be incredibly fast and have everything you would want to include in a work order. You can get a signature, add parts, and send work orders with ease.

Here are some FAQs
Who does it send the work order to?
The work order app e-mails you, the technican, your client, and a third address of your choosing for easy billing.

I need to add terms and conditions to my work orders.
You can add terms and conditions in the settings which will be included on all work orders sent

I need to add a start and a stop time
Start and Stop times are added when you create the work order, and can be adjusted throughout the work order. Once the work order is sent, the time is frozen in the App so no tampering can occur.

I need to be able to attach pictures
We made it super simple to add as many pictures as you like for documentation purposes. We’ve also found a great size to clarity function so it attaches easily and sends your work order quickly.

Can I save the work order for later?
Yes, the work order is safely saved on your iPhone or iPad so you can send it whenever you like, great for pesky buildings with no internet service.

Can I sort through the work orders?
Absolutely! The BetterWorkOrder app has a search function which searches all text for your work orders. You can also sort by Client, Most Recent, and Status

After I’ve finished with the work order, do I just delete it?
Yes, you can just delete it, or if you would like to save it for later, you can send it to the archive. You can search the archives as well.