Reset Domain Administrator Password using Command Line and RMM

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We had a customer who likes to change the administrator password.  One day the password was changed and forgotten.  We have RMM with service level access to the server, but could not log in to the server using the standard administrator username and password.  We also neglected to set up a separate username and password for account recovery.

So, our only alternative was to reset the username and password via the command prompt.  Using NinjaRMM at the service level, we were able to open a command prompt and reset the domain username and password.  We found the article here from Top Password: which helped with the steps below:

1.  Login to your RMM service
2.  Open command prompt as system service, not logged on user
3.  type “net user Administrator P@ssword123 /domain” (change the P@ssword123 to your desired password)
4.  You should see “The command completed successfully.”