ADVYON Champions the Future of Innovation: Partnering with Summerville High School Esports Team

ADVYON has created the website for the Summerville High School Esports team.

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Why is a website important for your business?

If you’re looking to create a strong online presence for your business, a well-designed website is an essential tool.

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Greg Mathis Charter High School: Creating a Custom Portal

Web Design: Creating a Custom School Registration Portal Creating a secure portal for filling out, storing, and sending forms requires technical expertise in several different areas. In creating a custom portal for Greg Mathis Charter High School, our goal was to create a secure online portal to allow parents to sign their children up for school. We needed to gather a variety of information about each student from health conditions to school supplies. It was…

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Steps to Creating a Search Engine Friendly Article

Writing a Search Engine Friendly (SEF) content article Pick 2-3 main keywords and 4-7 supporting keywords Keyword help sites: Google’s Keyword Planner: Keyword Tool Main Keywords: Are in the Meta Title Are in the Meta Description Are in the Page (H1) Title Are in the first sentence of the first paragraph Repeated twice in the article afterwords can be linkable to the main article or similar articles and websites Supporting Keywords…

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