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Chan’s Bookkeeping and Tax: Branding, Website Design, Website Development, Website Hosting

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What we did for them: Small Business Branding, Small Business Website Design & Website Development, Website Hosting

Industry: Service Based Business 

Chan’s Bookkeeping & Tax offers bookkeeping, payroll, and tax preparation services in Summerville, SC. We redesigned their website and designed a new logo for them. When helping Chan’s with their branding, we made sure to keep a balance between making the brand very clean and straightforward while still keeping it distinctive and interesting. 

It was important to keep the design clean and straightforward because we wanted it to be a soothing, inviting, user-friendly website. We focused on the design imparting calming feelings and not being busy or overwhelming because taxes and payroll tend to be topics that stress people out. At the same time, we wanted to make sure to keep the design colorful, inviting, and recognizable to distinguish Chan’s Bookkeeping & Tax and engage website visitors.  

Another aspect unique to designing Chan’s Bookkeeping & Tax’s website and brand was keeping the client in mind while also keeping their clients in mind. We wanted to be sure to appeal to the client’s tastes as well as their client’s taste, so we needed to make sure to strike a balance between a more delicate, feminine appeal, and a stronger, bolder, more professional look. 

The biggest focus in designing this brand and website was taking a strict, straightforward subject like taxes and bookkeeping and making it compelling and visually appealing. We wanted to make it exciting, more than just text on a page, so we utilized different design elements so the eye will be naturally drawn to moving down the page.

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