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US Water Recovery: Website Design and Content Writing

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Website Design, Content Writing, and Search Engine Optimization

What We Did For Them: Website Design, Content Writing 

Industry: Wastewater Treatment

The Website: 

The main goal of the US Water Recovery (USWR) website was to highlight the water recovery facilities and to make the information on the site more visually appealing. Since USWR focuses on restoring nature by removing oil and other impurities from water, we began our design by choosing colors from nature for the site. USWR used blue in  their logo, so we added green and yellow (both abundant in nature) to accent the blue.

In laying out the website, we wanted to bring attention to two items: the location of the treatment plant and the 24-hour emergency services offered by US Water Recovery. We highlighted both of these items in the header at the top of the page. We also made sure that the contact information was readily available. This will help new customers looking for wastewater treatment to get in touch with USWR easily. We used yellow icons to bring attention to the contact information.

Throughout the rest of the home page, we wanted to ensure that the content had a good flow and was easy to read. At the top of the site, we highlighted the main services offered by US Water Recovery, including wastewater treatment, water and oil recycling, and transport services for industrial and marine organizations. Underneath, we created tabs to take the user to specific pages for each of these services so customers can quickly find the service they are looking for. 

We created several different icons to make navigating the website easier. This process began by finding the perfect set of contact information icons illustrating where best to get the email address, phone number, and address for the company. On the tabs for our service specific pages, we designed icons to match those used for the contact information and added a water droplet to each of these icons. The USWR logo already used a water droplet, so incorporating that droplet effect into the other icons helped create a unified look. 

The rest of the home page was designed to show pictures of the facility with straightforward information. The “Our Process” and “Our Facility” sections explain the process for treatment and how the facility is laid out. The page ends by showcasing the partners US Water Recovery works with. This allows new users to build trust with the company by seeing that organizations like the US Coast Guard and DHEC have worked with USWR before.

One of the main features of the website was our unique animation of flowing water at the top and bottom of the page. This effect was created with a unique code to give a wow factor to the website that would not take away from the important information on the site. The header at the top of every page also showcases a picture that fades to white while the user scrolls down the page. This clean fade effect reminds the user about the important work US Water Recovery does in cleaning impurities from natural water. 


Writing for this site required explaining many complicated procedures. USWR handles many treatment processes, including water treatment for the US Navy and Coastguard, DHEC, shipyards, and industrial machinery as well as emergency response to oil spills. We wanted to be sure that customers who were not familiar with the wastewater treatment process were able to understand what USWR can do, but we also wanted to make sure that experienced customers knew that USWR are experts in the field. Our content writer worked closely with the owner of US Water Recovery to ensure that everything was explained in a way that would make sense for every customer from casual viewer to wastewater expert.

Final Thoughts:

The US Water Recovery website was an engaging challenge for our team. It took careful consideration to share information from an industry that we had not worked with before. We feel that the animation, natural hues, understandable layout, and photos of the facility were able to capture the beauty that USWR contributes to the world by cleaning our water. The copy explains the process well for newcomers like us while still capturing all of the important technical FAQs for other wastewater treatment experts. With this clean new website, US Water Recovery is able to easily showcase their facilities and to explain their important work.

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